How Rutgers Benefits the New Jersey Economy

May 4, 2017

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Because of your dedicated efforts, Rutgers plays a crucial role as The State University of New Jersey. We teach 69,000 students and provide continuing education to approximately 50,000 women and men a year. Our research yields discoveries that improve the quality of life. We deliver health care to tens of thousands of New Jerseyans. Our service benefits small businesses, farmers, families, schools, and local governments in every county.  

But as a new analysis by the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy demonstrates, Rutgers—the state’s third-largest non-government employer—is also a job creator and an economic engine. The combined impact of our operations each year supports nearly 58,000 jobs statewide and generates $5.2 billion in economic activity in New Jersey. Adding to those totals, our construction activities over the past five years have supported nearly 12,000 short-term jobs and generated another $1.2 billion in economic activity.  

I’m glad to add that we are a smart investment, too: for every dollar state government provides to Rutgers, we return nearly 7 dollars to the New Jersey economy.

To see how much we benefit New Jersey, I invite you to read Rutgers Grows the Garden State, a report that highlights the key findings of the Bloustein School analysis.  

We are sending the document to policy makers in Trenton and business leaders across the state, but I also welcome you to use this information to help advocate for Rutgers throughout the year. Visit to access the report, the full analysis, and a related video.

Thank you for the many ways in which you have contributed to the story we have to tell about Rutgers. I hope you share my pride in all we do to make life better here in the Garden State and far beyond.


Robert Barchi